It's MY Crisis and I'll Cry if I Need To: Online and Hoping to...
7 Nisan, 5773
I finally have a PC to meet my needs. I spent lots of time offline and enjoying the experience until my new PC was assembled and put to use. I wouldn't have expected that. I simply chose not to stress and fret over things beyond my control.
How did I keep calm with my unexpectedly offline life?
I kept remembering what it was like to have been a little girl placing home made paper boats in a curbside puddle, hoping they'd sail faster than the trickles of water allowed. So, I pushed the boats or pulled them along unless I busied my ?little hands with scooping water in one specific direction.
Forcing things to "be" is not necessarily an improvement on things. My little paper boats were ruined by too much handling.
The life lesson I sorted out over time was that I can't push water. It moves at its own speed. So do some events. It's better that way.
Back to my computer blowout. I let GOD handle my affairs as I wondered when I'd be back online, working on my next book (it's almost finished and earning pre-publication praise!) and readily communicating around the world via E-mail and social media efforts.
I felt as If I'd been placed on "Mute" for a bit. I made the best of the situation by enjoying the outdoors more than usual, spending more time with friends and simply relaxing with some good books. Housework was more fun since I didn't feel rushed to see who'd E-mailed or messaged me with some concern or other between tasks.
The only emotional turmoil I felt was being cut off from my database of medical resources information. People called from around the world for ideas and tips they very much needed. I couldn't help them beyond smallish amount of stuff I'd memorized. THAT hurt.
Okay, I'm back online and hoping to hear from you. You can respond to any of my posts.

Buy the E-book or print to EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge even when my PC is turned off. Click on I'm buying that book today!?
Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.?
Find out how to stay calm in a crunch!
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